The park is 25 hectares in size and hosts a variety of ecosystems including Eucalypt Woodland and Vine Rainforest along the moister gullies and the waterfall. It can be accessed from either James Byrne Road or Dow Road in Highfields.
Work on clearing the weeds was begun during the 1990s by the Highfields Falls Bush Restoration Group but had to cease due to a decreasing number of volunteers. Given the history of the park, the spread of weeds is not surprising. It was once leased to pastoralists who milled the area for valuable timber such as the Red Cedar. It was also leased by the 4×4 Club.
FEP started working at Highfields Falls in 2020 with the main purpose of restoring the riparian zone along the creek which had been badly infested by smothering weeds. Further details of the work undertaken by FEP are described in the park reports (2023, 2024).
There are two, short one-way walks and five other relatively short walking circuits in this park – all named after birds. The Toowoomba Regional Council website has details of the walks including a map.
A list of the wide variety of plant species found in the park has been compiled.

Highfields Falls is one of the premier birding spots in the Toowoomba Regional Council area. There are numerous observations recorded in eBird. Additional records of observed flora and fauna can be found in iNaturalist.
Volunteers meet every Tuesday at 9.00am. Please contact Jane on 04 2374 7169 or jane.butler@westnet.com.au.