FEP volunteers are transforming an area of Redwood Park adjacent to Prince Henry Drive, from Lover’s Outlook up to the Bridge Street intersection, by removing masses of privet1 and thick lantana2 which had choked off growth of native rainforest species.
The area features dry rainforest margin, as well as a section of beautiful, near-pristine escarpment rainforest with century-old figs, giant stinging trees, bloodwoods, ferns and lilies. Over 250 rainforest species are represented in the area.
Natural regrowth of rainforest species is rapidly occurring following the elimination of competition from invasives. Removal of green panic grass and lantana is enabling the return of native grasses such as kangaroo grass and tussock grass. Numerous native ground covers are thriving and restoring the conditions required for understory plants, with pioneer rainforest species such as celery wood self-seeding and growing.
The Prince Henry Drive loop is popular with walkers, and this transformation delights with its display of natural rainforest beauty against the backdrop of Table Top and extensive Lockyer Valley views. Birdlife, wallabies, bandicoots, goannas and other fauna are returning to the restored ecosystem.
Volunteers meet every Tuesday from 7:30am to 10:30am. Contact Tom Esplin on 0438 441188, or email tom@tomesplin.com
The annual report describes ongoing work being undertaken in the park.
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1 Privet: Broad leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum) – produces up to 10 million seeds each growing season. Plants can live up to 100 years. Displaces rainforest species, invades riparian vegetation and disturbed sites, forms thickets, destroying native animal habitat. Irritates hay fever sufferers.
2 Lantana (Lantana camara) is a heavily branched shrub that can grow in compact clumps, dense thickets or as a climbing vine. It forms dense thickets that can smother and destroy native vegetation and are impenetrable to animals, people and vehicles. Currently, lantana covers more than 5 million hectares of subcoastal New South Wales to Far North Queensland.