• 2025 Open Day – Date claimer

    Each year in March Toowoomba Regional Council celebrates Parks Week. FEP participates by hosting an Open Day in one of the parks where FEP members work. In 2025 TRC Parks Week will be 3 – 10 March. FEP will host its Open Day event at Williams Park in Highfields on Saturday, 8 March. The event…

  • The Escarpment Park Friend – Dec 2024

    This issue includes news about new membership features on the website, work on reducing Cat’s Claw Creeper at Highfields Falls, local native plants, interesting archival material, a study on aquatic insects in streams, adoption of Williams Park at Highfields by FEP, and farewell to Coral Sharrock who worked thousands of hours on several parks.

  • Implementing members only access

    A recent email message to FEP members outlined plans for the weekly email update summarising posts on this blog and for registering members on the site to facilitate access to ‘members only’ content, discussion on posts, and potentially other features in future. The weekly email updates were implemented a couple of weeks ago. There were…

  • DRAFT – TRC partnership agreement

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  • TRC shelved TLPI – DDEC response

    Darling Downs Environment Council has sent a message in response to the Toowoomba Regional Council decision to shelve the Temporary Local Planning Instrument intended to protect local ecology. DDEC is inviting citizens interested in protecting our local environment to join in action by posting photos of native animals and significant trees. Read the PDF message…