Echo Valley Bushland South

The park is located on the southern border of the Toowoomba Region and extends to the Lockyer Valley Region. A sign marks the entrance which is through a gate at 421 Ramsay Street Middle Ridge. It is 7.1 hectares in size and consists mainly of Eucalypt forest.

FEP volunteers have been carrying out bush regeneration and weed management activities in the reserve since around 2006. There has been a large planting of mat rush (Lomandra sp.) and wattles (Acacia sp.) on the northern slope near the Toowoomba Motorcross Club track. The introduction of native slender bamboo grass (Austrostipa verticillata) has been a great success and has covered much of the slope to help return the area to natural bushland habitat. This has resulted in an increase in wildlife, including red-necked wallabies which often can be seen.

More information can be found in the annual report.

Volunteers meet every 2nd and 5th Saturday of the month, and the first, third and fifth  Wednesday of the month from 9 am. Contact Greg on 04 2828 8077or