Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve

Charles and Motee Rogers donated the Bushland Reserve to Crows Nest Shire Council in 1993. The 6.07 hectare park consists of Remnant Dry Rainforest and Eucalypt Woodland plants as well as some species that have been planted but do not occur naturally in the park.  It is classified as an Endangered Ecosystem 12.5.6 under the Vegetation Management Act and is one of the last remaining examples of its kind in Highfields.

The FEP has produced a book of plants found in Rogers Reserve with colour photographs of each plant. This is an excellent guide for identification. The book can be purchased from the FEP for $10. Please contact the secretary if you would like a copy:

The Friends of Rogers Reserve maintains a blog with information about the park and the annual report describes recent work. Observations recorded in eBird and iNaturalist provide more insights into the fauna and flora that may be found in the reserve.

Volunteers meet 1st Friday of the month. Please get in touch with Greg at 0428 288 077 or The meeting place is at 22 OBrien Road, Highfields – Entrance 3, Community Court.